This is how negative
gravitational field came to existence (Anti-gravity force, Dark
energy, The theory to explain accelerated motion of the galaxies in
the universe), and inversion of the gravitational field
Universal law
of gravitation: If an object is launched from a relatively
high altitude, paralleling to the circumference of the planet, under
Centripetal Force will follow a curve like path, and eventually will
fall back to the surface of planet. If the velocity of the object is
high enough, will follow a perfect orbital path around the planet
according to the figure as indicated below:

If the projectile object now
is presumed to be stationary and the planet supposedly is revolved
at the same angular velocity, what will happen?
With reference to relativity
theory, since the laws of physics are the same for all coordinate
systems with fixed speed , then it won't make no difference whether
the object orbits around the planet, or the planet rotates at the
same angular speed and the object remain stationary. In another word
the said study for the observers, on the planet and the object will
remain the same. In both situations the object will reach
weightlessness, and will never fall back to the surface of the
planet. The shape of the orbit is shown as a circle in the picture
above and if the distance between the object and the planet surface
is reduced, gradually in time the object (the projectile) will fall
to the surface of the planet. The area within the circumference of
the orbit is called the Positive gravitation area and if the
distance between the projected object and planet is increased
gradually in time, it will be repelled from the planet. The area
outside of the orbital circumference is called the Negative
gravitation area. If we consider the planet to have a rotational
speed equal to the velocity of the object, both areas will include
the all of objects, and if we assume the object is to rotate around
planet, both areas will include only in the object. There is also
another side to this; meaning, if the angular speed of the object or
planet is to be greater than what is necessary, then the object will
be repelled from the planet at once. See the image below:

Justification for
Accelerated Motion of the Galaxies in the universe:
The linear speeds of the
entities near the nucleolus of galaxies are measured to be about one
third of the speed of light, thus we can conclude that all entities
outside of the nucleolus of galaxies are within the Positive
gravitation field of the Galaxies, at the outer edge of the Galaxies
a Zero gravitation field, and outside of this area it will be
Negative gravitation area; in other words, all galaxies in outside
of the Positive gravitation area, and their zero, have Anti-gravity
force or Negative gravitation field which by this force can reach
motion and accelerated velocity in the cosmos. This is called the
Dark energy and to this date we have been unaware of its nature.
Since the time of Newton some of the physicist believed that for the
Centripetal Force which is an attraction force and is to collapse
the universe there is a repulsion force which prevents the universe
from falling apart, thus the universe remains intact. Anyway,
neither those who object to the immortal universe theory had a
proof, nor those who supported the theory could prove their point.
This is a gravitation Repulsion force, of the outer galaxies, and
has nothing to do with the inner sides of the Galaxies.
This phenomenon of course has
been noticed only at the recent times and seems to be difficult to
recognize, because our expectation of the gravitation is the
attraction force, and not the repulsion force, and this newly
recognized phenomenon can be explained by all Universal Laws of
gravitation, laws of Relativity theory, and also can be defined by
Mechanical Quantum Physics.
In order to prove our point
based upon the existence of Negative gravitation (Anti-gravity
force), we will formulize it in equations as below:

As we know in the equations
above f is the centrifugal force of the
object, m mass of the object, v
linear speed of the object on orbit, r the
radius of the orbit which is the distance between object and the
center of the gravitational field (planet), F
The attraction force between the object and the center of attraction
force of the planet, G constant of
gravitation, and M is the mass of the
gravitation center (planet). In order to obtain a continuous orbital
motion between the object and around the center of the gravity must
have F=f for which we can calculate the
distance r and the velocity v. We
can now assume to have the object stationary, and to have the center
of the attraction force to rotate at the same angular speed, as if
the object was to travel around the planet. In order to attain the
equations, one must substitute the linear speed of the object with
the angular speed of the center of the gravity in the equation:
As we know ω is the angular
speed (Radian per second 2pi/s)

It is amazing that
ω or the angular speed in this equation can be
either positive or negative. In other words, the rotation of the
center of the gravity from an observer or observer's view point can
be clockwise or counter clockwise, but the radius or the distance of
the object with the center of the gravity will always remain
positive and no one can use these equation claiming a negative
length or negative dimension in another imaginary universe.
(Meaning, an anti-universe or anti-world, negative dimension and……).
These equations will indeed deny the existence of white holes and an
entry to another world.
To design a very important
problem in physics regarding cosmic Physics:
There is a neutronic mass as
much as five times the mass of the sun. If the angular speed of this
mass is to be 500 Radian per Second, what are the:
1. Range of
the positive gravity field
2. Orbit of the zero gravity field
3. Range of the Negative gravity

1. The range of the positive
gravity field is less than 40,668 Kilometer
2. The border limit of zero
gravity field is the 40,668 Kilometer orbit
3. The range of Negative gravity
field is from the 40,668 Kilometer radius to infinity. In fact range
of the black hole's gravity field is infinite, but it's gravity
acceleration after the 40,668 Kilometer will be negative. The said
black hole's negative gravity acceleration can cause and produce a
self-speed and self-acceleration. To this date, some black holes are
identified and tracked to travel at the speed of 4000 kilometers per
This is the first time than
such subject is brought up, and analyzed by the science of physics,
and now we can easily notice three important subjects:
1. How come not all the cosmic
entities are consumed / swallowed by the black holes (not pulled
2. What is the main reason behind
the accelerated development of the universe?
3. In order to explain the
development of the universe, there is no need to present or to admit
the Big Bang theory, because the said development can be explained

g, g+
are respectively the gravitational
acceleration, the gravitational acceleration of attractive field and
retardation resulted from the centrifugal force.
is the difference of these two accelerations and consequently it is
the final acceleration. If the final acceleration is positive the
gravitational field will be positive too and if negative, the
gravitational field will be negative and the attractive force will
be changed to anti attractive force.

The above diagram is related to the previous example, the green
curve and red vector respectively show the decrease and increase of
gravitational acceleration in proportion with increase of distance
from the field center and the blue curve and vector show the
difference between them.
To analyze the subject from
the "Relativity theory" view point:
If we consider a point
anywhere around the center of the gravity filed, we can assume
allocate some energy for the given point or the place.

As we already know, energy and
mass are equivalent, therefore, we can calculate the mass equivalent
of this energy:

E energy, m
mass, c light speed, Ef
energy of the gravity field in any assumed point, and mf
is to be the mass equivalent of the gravity field energy in any
assumed point. Obviously the said mass is produced by the gravity
field due to the rotation by the center of the field have begun to
revolve, and defiantly causing a centrifugal force. For which to
formulate it to an equation, we use the same approach.

We will finally reach the same
results as we have before. Now we can calculate for the mass
equivalent of the gravity potential energy. It is as follows:

Evaluation of the subject from
a Mechanical Quantum view point:
As we know Photon in
Mechanical Quantum is considered the boson of the Electro Magnetic
Field, which has both energy and mass, since it has a speed (c) it
will have momentum too. If Mechanical Quantum theory view point is
assumed to be right about gravitational field to be of particle
types, and particles to carry gravitational energy or force weigh as
much as gravitons, then the said gravitons under certain conditions,
equivalent to their own energy will have mass and momentum, and as
the center of gravity field revolves, they will begin to have either
a swirling (Helix cal) type of spin, or circular spin. By increasing
the radius and the circumference of the gravity filed (the orbit on
which gravitons turn), the linear speed is increased; thus, the
centrifugal force will increase as well, and finally the vector
direction of gravity force of the gravitons (gravitational force
vector) is reversed, and the gravitational force to negative
gravitational force, and the attraction will reverse itself to
repulsion, or it will just change. In brief the attraction force
will be toward the center of the field (Gravity center of the mass)
will convert to repulsion force, or escape from the center.
Apparently to derive the same physical equation, we will achieve the
same results as we did before, because in these equations the mass
of the object, or the graviton, and……..will be omitted the both
sides of the equation.

Blue swirling (helix cal)
motions inside of the red circle is for the behavioral force of the
positive centipede at the center, the red circle is for the
behavioral force of the zero / neutral centipede, and the violet
curvatures outside of the red circle is for the behavioral force of
the negative centipede outside of the center, indicating the
presumable gravitons.